About me


I'm Tracy and I love books. In fact I have a pretty terrifying love of all things book shaped, including Kindle which looks like a book if you squint. I have been reading for most of my life, and I don't plan to stop. That First Line is just another excuse to continue.

I'm from the United Kingdom, home of Shakespeare and Jane Austen. And Harry Potter of course!

I'm 30 years old and a massive fan of YA. My favourite genres being dystopian, paranormal and sci-fi. I have been a rebel since the day that I was born (literally, ask me sometime) and started reading YA in my early 20's. I adore the whole genre and wish more adults would consider browsing the teen section of their library.

I do read a wide selection, so don't be surprised to find the occasional adult, contemporary or non-fiction (if the subject matter really interests me) on my TBR list. For current policies and up-to-date favourites please see my review policies and wishlists.

When I am not reading (which is a rare sighting) I am usually nagging my other half for more books or spending time with our daughter. She is a reader too and might drop a review once in a while too. Please look out for them!

My other hobbies include trying to avoid the school run, wearing odd socks, picking on the cat and making grown men cry on the Xbox. I wouldn't say that I am especially amazing at any of them...

Who am I kidding. I'M EPIC!

Want to know more? Stick around, grab a book and get comfy.

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